Our Supply Partners
Our supply partners in Mongolia produce cashmere for some of the world’s most luxurious brands and this family run business has over 30 years experience in producing this high quality yarn.
There was no other choice when deciding who should make our recycled cashmere, as this is a factory I had already worked with for over 7 years when I worked as fashion designer for a renowned cashmere brand. Their appreciation for craftsmanship, meticulous detail and cashmere heritage all fit perfectly with our brand ethos.
I personally had the pleasure of regular visits, twice a year, working with the teams out there and seeing first hand the raw cashmere hair coming in to the factory, being combed, washed, sorted and then spun into clouds of the softest cashmere yarn.
Another reason and big one for Cut&Pin are their sustainable credentials, which over the years, I have seen their commitment and drive in consciously adapting and changing their supply practices to lessen the impact to the planet and protect the future of cashmere. Some of those initiatives are sustainable grazing practices to help regenerate the grasslands the goats feed off, another is all water used for washing and softening the fibre is recycled and purified before being returned to the environment promoting biodiversity and supporting the ecosystem.
One of the latest processes the factory has taken on is the regeneration of cashmere, giving second life to yarns and fibres that would normally go to waste. All the recycled fibres are re-spun from existing pre-consumer waste and is crafted using a blend of recycled cashmere and new cashmere, which is essential to hold the recycled fibres together. This is necessary due to the process the recycled cashmere has already been through, as the fibers become shorter and we need to maintain the garments structure. The process is all certified by the Global Recycled Standard (GRS)
We believe things are better second time around.
Our supply partners in Portugal are famed for their high quality jersey product, a skill honed over many years when the family run business was established in 1979. Working with small local brands producing sleepwear and loungewear, the company has grown from 12 members to 84.
Over the years the company has made a big commitment to stay a small manufacturer who specialise in particular techniques and crafts that work alongside their long standing customers from designer labels, independents and premium high street brands. This conscious decision to stay away from large multiple brands that mass produce, fast and disposable fashion is something that struck a chord with us and our brand ethos, of producing less and manufacturing small runs of product that we think we can sell.
The families second generation are now involved and their commitment to keep every part of the process in house is proof of their promise to lessen their carbon footprint. All stages of the of production are managed by the manufacturers, from the sourcing of the fabric, which is all found locally, to the cutting of the patterns, the washing and dying, right through to the final products, which are meticulously quality controlled, ensuring the highest standards are maintained.
It is common practice in some of the industry for the production to be outsourced to other manufacturer’s which can prove difficult when trying to oversee the quality of the product and monitor working conditions of certain factories, but with our Portuguese partners, we really feel this is a family affair.
Over my time as a fashion designer with some major UK retailers, I have been very fortunate to experience visiting some of the world's major manufacturing countries from Shanghai, Sri Lanka, Portugal and Mongolia but there is one country I have a genuine fondness for and that is Delhi in India.
Ever since the day I stepped off the plane and into the airport I was transfixed with hustle and bustle of Delhi life in all its marvellous colour and energy, that has you hooked from day one. I have always loved Indian culture from a young age and to meet the people of Delhi with their infectious smiles and generosity was an absolute privilege.So when the chance came to work with two guys I have known for many years in other businesses I jumped at the chance.
Satender and Dhirender had also shared a similar story to ours having worked in businesses that produced on a massive scale and their ambition to start their own boutique supply business, wanting to work with brands whose ethos was always quality not quantity. So Valour Moda was born.
India has had some controversial press over the years for cheap labour and fast fashion but I have to say my experience has been in complete contrast and I have witnessed first-hand the expertise and diligence the Indian people have when it comes to textiles and garment making which has been lost with the rise of over produced fashion.
This innate sense of craftsmanship and technical skill has been handed down through generations of families and is a profession that our supply partners recognise with the investment of its people who are the heartbeat of the company and all their workforce are paid fair liveable wages.
Responsibly sourced fabrics

Textile waste is a huge problem in the clothing industry with an estimated £140 million worth of clothing and fabric waste going to landfill or incineration every year. We believe in giving fabric a second chance. The term deadstock refers to fabric that hasn’t even reached the cutting room floor and spends its life sat on a warehouse shelf. To be clear, the word deadstock does not mean the fabric’s quality is comprised in anyway, and our selection process is a considered decision.
We see this an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into unloved material and design it into a key piece that earns its place in your wardrobe.

Along with textile waste a large percentage of landfill is made up from knitted product with cashmere playing a big part in this. Using our highly skilled cashmere partners we can create stylish recycled sweaters and cardigans from pre consumer cashmere waste that still has the same softness and insulating properties that cashmere is known for.
The yarn is sorted by colour and fibre before being blended with new cashmere, essential to hold the recycled fibres together. This is necessary as recycled cashmere has already gone through a process so the fibres are shorter and the new cashmere helps to give the yarn its structure. We think everything deserves a second chance.

The word organic has been around in the food industry for years and the choice is wide and diverse when it comes to food product and production. The same cannot be said for the fashion industry, but the tide is turning and organic cotton and organic practices are becoming more common place. We use organic cotton to create products that help minimise the impact to nature and enrich the environment, instead of against it.
The way forward for Cut&Pin is to marry great design with a fabric that is grown without the use of pesticides, insecticides and toxic chemicals. Interesting fact, organic cotton is mostly rain fed and because there are no harmful toxins going into the ground this helps to enrich the soil and help to support the ecosystem. Which means all of the above is better for the farmers, their communities, the planet and your wardrobe.